Alpine Property Valuations

Alpine regions such as Mt Buller consist of permanently reserved Crown Land, therefore all ownership of property is via Leasehold interest. In Victoria the Alpine Resorts (Management) Act 1997 states the ARMB has the power to grant leases on any land within the resort.

In the instance of an apartment development, the developer (Company) typically leases the site from the Crown and the purchaser of a Unit purchases Shares in the Company (via Company Title) which stipulates exclusive rights of their unit.

An important aspect to consider is the duration of the head lease, whilst 99 year leases are preferred for purchasers, developers do not have to pay GST on 'short term' leasehold sales (<50 years) but therein the risk (albeit small) of head lease termination is increased for the purchaser.

Sovereign Valuations has expertise in alpine property leasehold valuations and can be contacted to assist with your alpine property valuation requirements.

Peter Ferrier

Peter Ferrier AAPI MRICS SA Fin holds over 15 years’ experience in valuations and is regularly engaged for disputed litigation and compulsory acquisition matters. Peter holds expertise across all major asset classes and development feasibilities, having advised on several projects in excess $100 million.


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